Wednesday, May 23, 2012

No bake cheesecake

Prepare crust
Two cups Graham crackers
Six tblsp  melted butter
Two tbl
Press down firmly with cu holder bake ten min let cool
We added cinammon and nutmeg optional
Whip in chilled metal bowl
On pint of heavy whipping cream
Until fluffy set in fridge
Two 8oz containers of whipped cream cheese
One cup sugar with cream cheese then
Fold whip cream together with cream cheese mixture
Set in fridge until crust cooled
For strawberry topping
Fresh strawberry slicrdt about two cups 1/4 c sugar microwave two min
Mix four tbl constartch in separate mug if cold water mix until dissolved slowly mix into hot berry mixtures microwave two min until bubbles and thickened cool in fridge and top cheesecake

 whip cream tester

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