Saturday, April 14, 2012

Cinammon rolls

In my bread machine I selected the dough cycle its six for mine.
This takes one hour and thirty minutes.
You could knead your own dough and let it double in size when resting in a warm place with a towel covered bowl.
One cup water
Two tbl sugar
Two tbl oil
One tsp salt
Three cups flour
Three tsp yeast

This recipe works for pizza dough and we used it to put on a roasting stick and cook over a fire.

Usually butter and milk taste better you can always add an egg
I let mine rise overniht so I didn't need to refrigerate the dough with no milk or egg in it.
Roll.out ready dough to big rectangles
Spread softened butter on top one cube
Sprinkle about one fourth sugar all.over
Ans sprinkle about three tsp if cinamon
I put half raisin
Roll long length wise
Cut into one in half inch sizesplace into buttered pan glass is best
Let double in size before baking about thirty min to an hour to rise

Bake 20 min at three fifty
To make a shiny top brush with a beaten egg on top it will look nice and Brown

For an icing I just mix
One cup powdered sugar and two tbl
Half tsp of vanilla
Add two to four tsp of milk until you get the consisitentcy you like

Drizzle over hot rolls add a zest of orange or lemon for extra flavor
My mother in law is famous for her from scratch rolls she makes cinamon roll sticky buns by baking in a pan
Half cube of butter until melted
Half cup Brown sugar let bubble in oven mix throughly
Two tbl spoon of white Kato syrup
Becomes a yummy Carmel you bake the rolls into
Then when fisnihed
Flip pan.onto foil nd they are covered in Carmel

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