Monday, July 24, 2017

Juanitas Dill pickles:
1 quart cider vinegar ( we use apple cider

3 quart water
1 cup pickling salt
approximatly 2 tsp pickling spice **** ( Mick and I didnt add this)
1 tsp red peppar flakes *** we used one dried red  hot pepper or jalepenos

my notes on back say:
1 c pickling salt
4 cloves garlic!! oohh!!
4chile peppers (if you want spicy)
1 tsp dill seed ( we didnt have fresh plant that year)
in jars:
sprigs of fresh dill ( we look for the  seedy ends from the big fresh plant)

alum*** says will make crunchy ( mick and I didnt use ) only use in the.soak in the beginning and scrub eagh cuke.
2 whole dried red peppers ( if you want spicy pickle)
1 clove of garlic ( peeled) we add two cloves fresh or 4!
bring water to a boil pour over prepared jars
keep jars warm in the oven 250 degrees
in flat cake pan fill 1/2 w water for 25 min
tips :clean jars boil lids and wipe rim after filling

we just put jars n lids in dishwasher in heat and rinse. cook the brine in a pot 1 quart is 4 cups. bring the hot bath water to a boil with lid

 hot bath is only for 5 min. make sure water covers the tops with lid on. let cool should make a popping sound as coold. tap tops in a few hours to be sure sealed.

Dixon Dill Pickles using Juanitas recipe

Dill Dixon pickles takes 6 weeks to brine!

we bough cukes from Joes garden in fairhaven 25 pounds for $37. free stalk of dill. Audrey loved the smell and cuttting the yellow flowers off. we usually look for dill that is going to seed. but it works.
we use Juanitas recipe every year
Juanitas Dill pickles:
1 quart (4  cups) cider vinegar ( we use apple cider vinegar)
3 quart (6 cups )hot water
1 cup pickling salt
approximatly 2 tsp pickling spice **** ( Mick and I didnt add this)
1 tsp red peppar flakes *** we used one dried red  hot pepper or jalepenos
my notes on back say:
1 c pickling salt
4 cloves garlic!! oohh!!
4chile peppers (if you want spicy)
1 tsp dill seed ( we have fresh plant this year)
in jars:
sprigs of fresh dill ( we look for the  seedy ends from the big fresh plant)
alum*** says will make crunchy ( mick and I didnt use ) only use in the.soak in the beginning and scrub each pickle, Mick says scrubbing the bumps may help with soaking in the brine.
2 whole dried red peppers ( if you want spicy pickle)
1 clove of garlic ( peeled) we add two cloves fresh. sometimes we add 4 cloves and smash a few.
(we through in the dishwasher to warm and rinse )
bring water to a boil pour over prepared jars
keep jars warm in the oven 250 degrees
in flat cake pan fill 1/2 w water for 25 min
tips clean jars boil lids . We bring brine to heat up dissolving salt. wipe rim after filling after tightening lids make sure not too full or touchimg lids. place into boiling hot water bath sub merge covering lids for only 5 min, to seal the lids. they will pop as they cool showing they sealed. tap.on tops to be sure after a few hours.