Friday, July 26, 2013

Chocolate zuccinni bread

3 cups flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
1 tsp cinnamon  nutmeg optional
1 tsp baking soda I usually don't use
3 eggs
2 cup sugar
1 cup veg oil
2 tsp vanilla
I added 1/3 c Hershey coca powder
2 cups grated zuccinni
Pecans optional orange zest or chocolate chips

Preheat oven 350 bake .15 to 20 min for.muffins or 60 min loaf pan
Cream eggs and sugar together
In separate bowl sift dry ingredients
Fold together add grated zuccinni last bake in greased pan

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Ritz cracker

2 cup flour
1 tsp baking.powder
1/2 tsp salt
1tbl sugar
One.cube butter
2/3 c water
Crumble into blender butter and dry add water gradually let rest oven 400 bake

Friday, July 19, 2013

Lemon cupcake with curd filling

I.made.cupcakes for my friend Jasmine her grandmother passed away suddenly at 82 years old.
She liked purple and I hoped to make a purple icing looking like purple hydrangeas but once I added lemon juice to my purple icing it began to get a blueish Color. She was still happy and they look pretty.
I made a white cake mix
With the 1/2 cup oil
1 cup water ( used lemon.juice instead)
3 eggs ( I added one.more ) so 4 eggs total
Zest of two small lemons
Preheat oven to 350 then reduce to 325 before baking the cupcakes in a.liner on top rack for 20 minutes minis were about.15 to 17 min.
For icing I whipped two cubes of.softened salted butter
Stop mixer and pour in a 2 pound bag of powdered sugar
Slowly add 6 to 8 tbl of fresh squeezed lemon juice and zest of two small lemonsi needed almost 1/2 cup of juice for it to get the right texture I needed to pipe. Whip and few minutes stopping to scrape down the sides. I added a good scoop.of violet gel wilton. It was turning blue lol

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Why cake shrink

I noticed I need a warm kitchen doe my cakes I can't have fans and.airconditioning on when I pull them out of the oven. I also added extra almond extract I think that messes up the batter so I added another egg and let it cool with the oven off in the.oven and the door open this worked!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Ice blocks for kids to melts

I freeze.blocks.of ice with cardboard milk jugs then let kids pour water over to melt rock salt makes great tunnels in the sun and.syringes make great tunnels

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Lemon bar with farm fresh eggs from Burnetts beach

I received farm fresh eggs from the Burnetts and.decided to try ceasar for Dinner so.I had just squeezed a fresh.lemon and.thought.mmm that a.good dessert
Lemon bars

Two cubes soft butter
1/2 cup sugar I used powdered
2cup flour
1/2tsp salt
Cream sugar and butter
Add flour and salt
Blend until dough forms press into a baking pan
Bake 350 for 15 min

For top mix 6 eggs
2 cups sugar
1 cup flour
1 cup lemon juice
Zest of lemon
Cream eggs and sugar blend on flour and zest pour over crust bake for 30 min

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Homemade graham crackers

I would like to make a no bake cheesecake with
1/4 c sugar
8 oz cream cheese  lemon zest
One tsp vanilla
Whip a container of whipping cream in a frozen mixing bowl with 2 tbl.of sugar and vanilla fold together and fridge two hours.I'm topping with friut to make a flag for the fourth
I.have fresh raspberries on my fence growing

I am low.on graham crackers so I have always wanted to make Graham crackers. I know its best with butter and graham flour. But I'm using
All purpose I looked up a few recipes and decided I really wish I had honey too!! with dark karo syrup so I used
1/2 dark karo.syrup ( of course I really didn't.have enough so  I added part molasses mmmm reminds me of gingerbread... ) wow I shouldve gone to the grocery store but I have a feeling I will be.making these again

I have Crisco I figure I'm using.for crust so I will add butter anyway
1 c Crisco
1c brown sugar was out so I used part white sugar
1/2 syrup I had dark karo, molasses, and some maple ha ha!!
2 tsp baking soda
4 c flour
4tbl of ice water keep nearby to add as you mix into dough. Sprinkle top with sugar
I preheat oven to 375
Rolled out.into foil poked holes with a skewer and into square.with knife
Bake 15 min look.for.brown edges