Wednesday, February 27, 2013

gumpaste peony and daffodil

I'm watching videos and collecting instructions for a peony. I have a cutter ordered from global sugar art.. I noticed some tutorials from pintrest ha four different sizes of petals. I only ordered one with two sizes.peony picture pink picture
cake journal  has a good tutorial
I used a foam ball
gum glue
22 gauge wire
rolling pin
ball tool foam pad thin and thick

I only had two cutters
stretching them with the ball tool made them larger

we wrapped wire around a foam ball and used gum glue to attach the petals overlapping

Use the ball tool to gently thin the petals

then move to a foam pad to cup the petals making them curl up.

 The first layer took 9 petals
 I noticed people using plastic spoons for half an egg form like a deviled egg plate
One tutorial used foil that was formed in half a foam ball to let the petals dry in. I must try that.
we did two rows then let dry upside down in a bowl
we saw a utube tutorial that said the fourth row of petals should be on wire.
Little birdie secrets has a tutorial.

I noticed some people use a viener I need t try this next time

this is nice egg former it says it was a chocolate mold

Another peony design is here

 this is great blog in German
n addition to the cutters or templates you need a 3 cm wide, by dried flowers paste ball (or a styrofoam ball) on wire, a ball tool , a cutting wheel , possibly a craft knife, a nail clipper, a Flowerpad, a grooved board (Celboard) and a Ausrollstab sugar glueand something Palmin, of course flowers paste and possibly paste color . In addition, a board, is available in the supermarkets fruit, very helpful. Not visible on the image are teaspoons and tablespoons and the 28 floral wire (coated paper). 
I have each petal with a Veiner (peen) structured so that does not necessarily have to be

Thin out the top immediately with the ball tool. His removal in 2 places inside of the petal with the ball tool with light pressure from the top to about the middle. Here, the petal shaped inwards and is slightly rounded. 
Inner molding works best when the petal dries very briefly. That you have to maybe try a few times - it does not always work right away right away. I've also had some failures, because the flowers paste still wet was ... But you may not have to wait too long, otherwise the paste to dry and there are cracks!
The operations: thinning at the top, embossing and internal mold release  are repeated in all subsequent petals I mention this not as a rule below ...

The 3 petals with sugar glue on the ball and attach the same with the second stencil size 4 petals cut out and glue.

With the second template size 5 petals cut and dry for the inner shaping each petal in a teaspoon can. When sticking to the bud with the first petal start - if the leaves are long, slightly cut with nail scissors.

This is what the bud from now ...
Now with the 3rd Cookie cutter or stencil size 6 petals and make  in tablespoons leave. (I have come here with the sizes a little confused, why do not all the petals from the same ...)

So the thinned and shaped petals look the way out from behind ....

The 6 petals, starting with the first-made, overlapping glue on the bud. The bud then hang upside down until the next layer is glued petals.

Such is the bud of a short dry season, before the next layer is bonded.
For the next round 7 petals with the 3rd Size , cut out each set immediately after thinning and shaping in a tablespoon of dried, and then - stick overlap - again starting with the first. This works best if you keep the flower upside down and aufklebt the petals from below.

In the Apple board to make a hole and let the flower dry overnight in it. Thus opening the flower something :-) fall apart without too much
Get out in the 2nd Part of the instructions, which I will publish in a week or so ...
But even now sees the flowering of great, right?

Here is a dafoldil

Color the gum paste with yellow gel paste. You can make the flower all yellow or you can make the petals white and the cup in the center yellow.
To make the outside petals, roll out the gum paste very thinly and cut with a daffodil cutter. Dust the work surface with a bit of cornstarch to avoid sticking. You can cut them one at a time as you go or cut a few at a time and keep the other ones under
gum paste daffodil
Transfer the petal to a soft piece of foam. Thin the edges with the ball tool. 
gum paste daffodils
Take the foam with the cut petal and press to a flower veiner. Mark a vein in the middle of the petals with the gum paste veiner pad

gumpaste daffodils
Carefully, place on a flower former with the help of a small metal spatula. Make another petal. Apply a bit of gum glue on the middle of the first petal and place the second petal on top. Secure in place by pressing lightly with a gum paste ball tool - 
gumpaste daffodil
To make the cup in the center, take a piece of gum paste about the size of 3/4" ball - 
gum paste daffodil
Make a cone shape from the gum paste ball. Make a cup by slowly rotating the ball tool in the middle of the cone until it is halfway inside -
Place the cone on the foam and pull out the edges with the veining tool. Do this all the way around the cup -
gum paste daffodils
Brush some gum glue in the middle of the petal and press the cup in the middle with the help of a ball tool - 

gum paste daffodil
Fold the flower stamen, dip folded end in the gum glue and insert in the middle of the cup. Let the finished gum paste daffodil dry in the flower former at least for a day 
gum paste daffodil

Friday, February 15, 2013

Italian cake from southern cooking

Italian Cream Cheese Cake

Black Walnut Pound Cake Mama's Coconut Cake

Mama's Coconut Cake

1 stick Butter
½ cup Crisco
2 cups Sugar
5 Egg Yolks
2 cups Plain Flour
1 tsp Baking Soda
1 cup Buttermilk
1 tsp Vanilla
1 cup Coconut
1 cup chopped Pecans
5 Egg Whites, stiffly beaten

Cream butter and Crisco. Add sugar, beat well. Add egg yolks and beat. Add flour and soda. Alternate with buttermilk. Stir in vanilla. Add coconut & nuts. Fold into stiffly beaten egg whites 2 Tablespoons at a time. Pour into greased and floured 9 in cake pans and bake at 350 for 20 – 25 min or until toothpick comes out clean. Cool and frost with cream cheese frosting.

Frosting: 1 – 8oz Cream Cheese, softened ½ stick Butter, softened 1 box 10Sugar (1 pound of powdered sugar) 1 tsp Vanilla Chopped Nuts, optional

Mix cheese and butter, add sugar and vanilla. Frost Cake and sprinkle nuts on cake.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Angel food cake recipes

My oldest loves Angel food cake
Ota so light and chewy like a Marshmellow
Homemade really makes a difference
My second daughter saw the ice cream shop had cakes shaped as hearts with sprinkles half way up the side
I told her I could make one easy
She was excited so I thought I could try to bake an Angel food in a.heart pan
I know the best pan has a hole in the .middle
Because I don't have one.I have weighted down a small metal bowl upside down with a rock. I have baked clean rocks in the past to melt crayons on
The kids love that.!
So here are some recipes I am.going to try
attractive, but also fat-free.

Ingredients 1 cup cake flour 1 1/2 cups fine sugar

12 egg whites, room temperature( I used 10)

1/4teaspoon salt ( I used 1/2)
1 teaspoon cream of tartar( I left out)
2 teaspoons vanilla ( I used one.half almond and half vanilla)
1 teaspoon almond extract

Preparation Time: 25 minutes plus one hour baking and one hour cooling time. Tips and Techniques How To Separate Egg Yolks and Whites.


Pre-heat oven to 325° mine was at 350

Requires an un-greased 10-inch tube pan. Mine was a heart

1. Sift the cake flour and ½ cup of the sugar four times. Set aside. ( to make the sugar more fine I blended in my ninja blender shaking around)

2. Beat the egg whites in a clean, grease-free bowl or the whites will not whip properly. While it’s easier to use your electric mixer, you may also whip them by hand with a whisk—until frothy.

3. Add the salt and cream of tartar to the whites and continue beating until soft peaks form.

4. Slowly add the remaining cup of sugar.

5. Add the vanilla and almond extracts.

6. Gently add the flour to the mixture in two additions.  (I mixed on low first then folded with a spatula)

7. Pour the mixture into the tube pan. Sweep a knife through the batter to release air bubbles.( I pounded my pan down on the counter)

8. Bake on the lowest rack of the oven for one hour, or until the top is lightly browned. I baked 50 Min.

9. Remove the cake from the oven and invert the tube pan on a cake rack to prevent the cake from deflating.

10. Cool for one hour.

11. Loosen the cake by running a knife around the outer edge and center tube, then un-mold.

12. Place on a platter and decorate according to your taste

Another recipe:
1 cup (130 g) cake flour (not self-rising)
1 cup (200 g), plus
1/2 cup (100 g) sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 cups egg whites (from about 12 large eggs), at room temperature
1 teaspoon cream of tartar
2 teaspoons fresh lemon juice
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

1. Preheat the oven to 350ºF (180ºC). Have a 9-inch (23 cm) tube pan ready. (Do not use a non-stick tube pan.)

2. In a small bowl, sift together the flour, 1/2 cup sugar, and salt.

3. In the bowl of an electric mixer, begin to whip the egg whites on medium speed. When they become foamy, add the cream of tartar and lemon juice.

4. Increase the speed to high and continue to whip the egg whites until they just begin to hold their shape in soft, droopy peaks. Gradually whip the remaining 1 cup of sugar into the whites, 1/4 cup at a time. Do not overwhip; the egg whites should not
4. Increase the speed to high and continue to whip the egg whites until they just begin to hold their shape in soft, droopy peaks. Gradually whip the remaining 1 cup of sugar into the whites, 1/4 cup at a time. Do not overwhip; the egg whites should not be overly dry or stiff, but soft and cloud-like. At the last moment, mix in the vanilla.

5. With a rubber spatula, then fold the flour and sugar mixture into the whites gradually, a small amount at a time.

6. Spoon the batter in the tube pan, smooth the top, and bake for 45 minutes. Remove from the oven and immediately invert the tube pan over a cooling rack. If the pan doesn’t have “feet”, set it over the neck of a heavy bottle or overturned metal funnel, using the center hole of the pan to hold the cake, until cool.

Note: Cake flour is specially milled flour and is low-gluten and slightly acidic and is stocked in most grocery stores. You can remove 2 tablespoons from 1 cup of all-purpose flour and replace it with corn starch, and sift the two together several times for a reasonable facsimile, although it’s not quite the same