Monday, July 23, 2012

Chocolate sponge

Melt six tbl of unsalted butter. I used double  ingredients of Crisco half butter

Remove from.heat add tbl of vanilla I added 2
Let cool
separate bowl
Mix 1 1/4 c sugar (I doubled to three cups)
5 egg. I need 10 large eggs 10 egg yolks
Blend over boiling water with two and half cups water
Until warm to touch or120 on candy thermometer
Remove from heat mix in mixer on high for five minutes until triples in size
Stabilization of foam
Mix on med for ten min
Fold in flour mixture :
of 1 1/2 c flour , calls for cake i used white whole wheat doubled is three cups
1/2 cup cocoa powder I doubled to one cup
sift together twice with 3 tsp of baking powder

Add small amount of batter to butter mixture
Then fold tempered batter into remaining mixtures
bake 375 for 20 to 30 min
 for moister cake I made a simple syrup of one c water one c sugar dissolve , sprinkle over cake

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Raspberry freezer jam

two pints raspberry or four cups is a quart
5 1/4 c sugar
One package sure-gel pectin boiled in 3/4 c water for one minute
Mash berries with potato masher
Mix in sugar let set ten min
Boil water stir in pectin let boil one min stir into fruit mixture
Set room temp
24 hours then freeze

Friday, July 20, 2012

Ice cream!
ingredients (I doubled it)
1 cup Heavy Cream
1 Vanilla bean (scraped)  I did two lid full of real vanilla
4 Egg Yolks
1/3 cup Sugar
ingredients 1 cup Heavy Cream 1 Vanilla bean (scraped)
instructions Heat the heavy cream and vanilla over medium heat until bubbles form at edges.
ingredients 4 Egg Yolks 1/3 cup Sugar
instructions In another bowl, whisk together the egg yolks and sugar until almost white. Add a small splash of the hot cream mixture while constantly whisking, then add this mixture back into the cream. Mix over heat until fully incorporated at the mixture coats the back of a spoon.
instructions Let cool and strain.( I didn't strain it looked smooth I pulled off each egg yolk whiteish membranes
Pour into a small freezer bag. Place this smaller sealed freezer bag into a larger freezer bag filled with ice and salt ( ice cream salt or rock salt)
. Shake for 10 minutes or until ice cream texture is achieved. Place in freezer and allow to freeze to set, over night
I tried with kosher salt it has to be the ice cream Rock salt. We tried that it gets much colder!
My baggie of berry ice cream burst while shaking. So put the regular vanilla in the freezer it set up fine over night! We had it for dessert on a cone its very creamy and yummy!

just in freezer over night! creamy yum

 rock salt works best

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Whoopie pie

For cake
Cream  4 tbl of unsalted.butter
1/2 c sugar for four min until fluffy
Add one egg until incorporated
1/2 c milk blend alternating with flour mixture:
One.cup flour
1/4 tsp baking soda

1/4tsp salt
1/4 c cocoa powder
Alternate ending with flour

Scoop onto greased sheets
Bake 400. For 5 to 7 min
For filling
I wanted to lighten it up instead of cream cheese or marscapone I made marshmellow strawberry fluff for filling

I melted mini marshmellows and two tbl of water in microwave for two min 40 sec. Stirring to melt all of it.
I blended a cup of fresh strawberry in my blender to make a puree. I pressed through a mesh seive with a spatula to make the seeds ansd chunks stay out of filling.
I mixed the puree into marshmallow. And stirred in one cup of powdered sugar. Hoping it will thicken I set bowl in freezer to set I imagine the fridge overnight wrapped in plastic would work.