Monday, April 30, 2012

Banana orange vanilla yogurt smoothie

I blended
one banana
vanilla yogurt
one peeled orange

Homade BBQ pizza on the grill

Our friends keep telling us to try and bbque pizza on the grill so we are trying today.


Dough One cup water plus two tbl Two tbl oil One tsp salt Tsp sugar Three cup flour Three tsp yeast I put.dough ingredients bread machine My setting for dough is 6 .it takes 1.30 hours of kneading and rising..its not too sticky and can be rolled.on an oiled.cookie Sheet or dusted flour counter. Bake chicken breast ahead of time at 350 for 30 min in water covered in bbque sauce Shred one cup cheddar cheese Two cups mozzerella Fourth cup parmesian Tried this a second time my daughter reminded me about cooking the dough first on the grill for two min then topping we are watching it every 5 min to make sure doesnt burn

Spinach smoothie like ice cream

Frozen apple juice concentrate

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


I have this recipe from the Hershey cookbook
I love the pudding and lickety split cake recipe
This is a roll out cookie that is better to refrigerate
I made for my dauhter after schook snack
Cream one cube softened butter with
Three fourth cup of sugar
One egg blend
One tsp of vanilla
Add one and half cups of flour
Two tsp of baking powder
One fourth tsp of salt
One third cup of cocoa powder
Bake after shaping
At 325 7 to ten min
Let cool few min then frost

Monday, April 16, 2012


Heat four cups cream or whole milk do not boil
Not over 180 degrees
Just heat med low for 15 min best steep with fresh vanilla
Meanwhile whisk 8 egg yolks on high for five min Until fluffy
Add  half cup Plus two tbl sugar mix well

Add two tsp vanilla whip again Once milk is to right temp Temper egg mixture adding fourth cup.mix on low not to cook eggs but temper then add rest of cream Bake at 300 in water bath For 40 min Cool and refrigerate two hours Sprinkle. With brown or white sugar Cook sugar for crunchy topping

recipe to try
3 whole eggs
2 egg yolks
1/2 c sugar
3 c milk
1 tsp vanilla
1/4 tsp grated nutmeg
preheat oven to 165
butter 1 quart baking dish and place in a roasting pan which has enough hot water to come halfway up the sie of the baking dish. Place in the oven to heat.
Combine the eggs, egg yolks and sugar, and whisk until thick and pale
heat the milk to boiling point and slowly add to the egg mixture stirrig constantly. Stir in the vanilla. Strain through a sieve into the baking dish and sprinkle with nutmeg. Place in the roastig pan and bake for 45 min. until set
the custard is set when a knife insterted in the center comes out clean.